Photo: Peter Don |
Louis Bell potpisao ekskluzivni ugovor sa UMPG [ 2021-01-13 ] 13. januar 2021.
Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG), globalni lider u Publishingu, potpisali su globalni ugovor o zastupanju sa šestostruko nominovanim za Grammy nagradu, Luisom Belom (Louis Bell).
Jody Gerson, generalna direktorka UMPG, je rekla: “Oduševljena sam što primam Lusa Bela u našu UMPG porodicu. On je jako talentovan autor i producent i radi sa nekim od najvećih svetskih zvezda. Uz to je jedan od najdivnijih ljudi koje poznajem. Naš globalni tim se raduje saradnji sa njim i novim mogućnostima koje to otvara.” Bell je rekao: “Izuzetno sam uzbuđen i zahvalan što počinjem ovo putovanje sa Jodi, Lila Parsa i celim Universal Music Publishing timom.”
UMPG signs Louis Bell to exclusive, global administration agreementPosted by UMPG on 13 January 2021. Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG), today announced that six-time Grammy Award-nominated songwriter and producer Louis Bell has been signed to an exclusive, global administration agreement. He is a three-time consecutive nominee for the Grammy’s ‘Record of the Year,’ ASCAP’s 2019 & 2020 Songwriter of the Year, Variety's 2020 Songwriter of the Year and Variety’s 2019 Producer of the Year. Jody Gerson, Chairman and CEO of UMPG, said: “I am thrilled to welcome Louis Bell to the UMPG family. He is not only an immensely talented songwriter and producer for some of the biggest artists in the world; he is one of the kindest and most thoughtful people I know. It’s even better when you can work with good people! Our global team looks forward to providing outstanding opportunities that support his artistry and songs.” Bell said: “I am extremely excited and grateful to begin this journey with Jody, Lillia Parsa and the entire Universal Music Publishing team.” Izvor: Universal Music PUblishing Group |
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